Summer Proposals in NYC: The Best Places to Ask Her

Summer Proposals in NYC: The Best Places to Ask Her

Finding the right person to spend the rest of your life with can be challenging. But now that the Earth's forces have brought you and your loved one together, you may be facing a new challenge. Planning the perfect proposal.

Although it is one of the most exciting times in both of your lives, figuring out the perfect way to pop the question can be a stressful task. That is why we've compiled a list of absolutely perfect places to propose in NYC (with a gorgeous ring from Aryeh & Co, of course).


1. Central Park 

If you know anything about New York, you know there is no shortage of breathtaking places to drop down on one knee and express your love. 

Central park is called the ‘Heart of Manhattan’ for a reason. You can spend the whole day exploring its 843 acres of green space and hidden romantic spots. (We suggest you take a day to do this yourself beforehand)


2. Brooklyn Bridge 

There’s a reason the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most popular proposal locations in America. A stroll beneath this iconic bridge will present magnificent views of the Manhattan skyline. Almost as important; the wide array of upscale dining options available to you before or after your big moment.


3. Times Square 

The Times Square billboard proposal is an extravagant and memorable way to publicize your love and create an unforgettable proposal. 


Last but not least…


4. Your First Date Spot

Frequenting the same spot is something most of us try to avoid during the early stages of dating,

However, whether it was a dance club, bar, local restaurant, or New York City park bench, going back to where it all began can be an extremely romantic place to propose to your loved one.


The takeaway…

With all that New York City has to offer, its abundance of breathtaking views and romantic ambiance make it one of the top proposal destinations in the world. After all, the scene needs to match the ring ;) 


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